Posts Tagged ‘donkey’

Birthday Time – Number 25

Monday, April 12th, 2010


Friday was my 25th birthday and Lori planned an awesome party for me.  We went to Manuel’s for dinner, I didn’t know who was coming until they showed up, so I got really excited every time someone I knew walked by the window.   There was Adam, Wesley, Becky, Jessica, Ashton, Jessica, Marvin, Mike, Jenny, Catherine, Dustin, CB, Kristin, and Joy!  I didn’t think that many people would come for my birthday.


Then after dinner we went back to our place for drinks and cake and pin the tail on the donkey and a pinata!  I hope our neighbors don’t hate us already.  We did try to keep it down outside after midnight though, so they can’t hate too hard on a Friday night.  I fell asleep early as usual (right after they started playing Balderdash), probably 1oclock, but the last person didn’t leave until 230AM.  I consider that a pretty good bash.

Here are more pictures.  And Lori has plenty on her Facebook too.